Your Backyard BBQ – The Essentials

Your Backyard BBQ – The Essentials

It’s time to go outside and light up the grill. Well, you’ll probably need to clean it first but right after that it’s time to fire it up and cook some food! Don’t let your hard work go to waste. If you’re going to host an outdoor BBQ, you might as well get the most...

Family Day Trips

Family Day Trips

You can only visit the Natural History Museum, spend time at your local park and see the animals in the Santa Fe Zoo so many times. Sometimes you need to shake it up with something new and fun. But, you also don’t have a whole weekend either. With the kids out of...

Six Simple Spring Lawn Care Tips

Six Simple Spring Lawn Care Tips

The grass is growing again. The leaves need raking. Trees need trimming. Where did that bare spot in the backyard come from? And why is my grass so pale looking? Who put these weeds in my lawn? Each year our lawns go into hibernation during the winter. Like a big bear...

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is in the air. And so is dust and the urge to clean. Yes, with spring comes spring cleaning. But why spring cleaning? Spring cleaning has some origins in Jewish and Iranian culture and just plain human nature. Spring cleaning is associated with Passover where...

Home Safety: An Ounce of Prevention

Home Safety: An Ounce of Prevention

We’ve all heard the scary statistics about how many people are hurt or killed at home. The numbers vary depending on the study or source, but it’s estimated that 18,000 people die each year from accidental injuries in their home. The most vulnerable are young and...

5 Outdoor Spring Cleaning Essentials

5 Outdoor Spring Cleaning Essentials

Winter is gone, despite some lingering cold spells. For us Floridians, winter isn’t too bad. Even so, our outdoor areas go into disrepair just like anywhere else. Our north-facing walls may get green with mold, our porches get covered in pollen and our grills haven’t...

How to Start a Vegetable Garden

How to Start a Vegetable Garden

One of the great things about Florida is that you can grow a vegetable garden all year long if you want to. As long as you know the right things to plant and when to plant them, you’ll be gardening year round. March or April is a great time to get started if you...

Do you make these 6 cleaning mistakes?

Do you make these 6 cleaning mistakes?

Ever tried a new floor cleaner only to find it ruined your hardwood floors? Or those new disinfecting wipes left a weird sheen on your table? Large and small, we all make mistakes when cleaning because we’re in a rush, we run out of something or we just don’t know any...



Bob & Carol Doak, Owners

1831 NW 13th Street Suite 8

Gainesville, Florida 32609

Phone: 352-374-4141

Fax: 352-376-0161

Email: hello@minimaidgainesville.com

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