
You’ve probably heard of feng shui, but perhaps you dismissed it as a bunch of nonsense or maybe something that your home doesn’t really need. But maybe it’s time to revisit feng shui. After all, the principles of feng shui have been around for thousands of years. 

“Feng” means wind, and “shui” means water, and in Chinese culture, these are both associated with good health and fortune. And, when it comes to feng shui and your home, it’s all about how you interact with the spaces around you and making sure you have a house full of Chi, or energy.

Bringing feng shui to your home doesn’t have to be an overwhelming undertaking. In fact, you can implement just a few of these tips and help improve the energy in your surroundings immensely. 

Tip #1 – Remove the Clutter

Who isn’t talking about getting rid of clutter these days? But when you talk about decluttering with regards to feng shui, it’s not so much about getting rid of things as it is about opening up your space. Pick a room or an area of your home that could use a little extra attention and start there. Think about getting rid of duplicates and things you no longer need or use. When you do this, you allow energy to flow more freely through your home.

Tip #2 – Keep Your Entryway Clear

Those who follow the principles of feng shui always use their front door to enter their home because they believe that Chi enters a house through this door. Because energy is believed to enter a home in this manner, the entryway is an important part of the home. You want this area to be neat and tidy and free from clutter and distractions. This will allow the energy to enter your home and not be blocked by any obstacles.

Tip #3 – Use the Five Elements Equally Throughout Your Home

In the world of feng shui, there are five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Feng shui encourages you to use all five elements equally in each room of your home. When these elements are equally represented, your home will experience good feng shui – or harmony and balance. 

Tip #4 – Let in the Light

Light is essential to keep your home feeling spacious. You want to let in as much natural light as possible. Keep your curtains and shades open, and make sure your windows are clean to maximize the amount of sunlight entering your house. Additionally, if you have spaces without windows, be sure they are well lit with lamps.

Tip #5 – Know About “Command Position”

One of the most talked-about principles of feng shui is the idea of “command position.” It is believed that the command position puts you in the best possible position to handle the energy (both positive and negative) in your life. When it is used to talk about furniture placement, you want to put your most prominent piece of furniture, for example, a bed or couch, away from and not in the direct line of the door, but in a space where you can still see the door. This allows you to feel the energy enter your space and have time to figure out how to deal with it.

Feng shui wants you to live in a home that is in harmony with the flow of energy throughout your house. While there are many principles to feng shui, start by trying these five tips. You may soon find yourself with a newfound respect for the ancient practice of feng shui and loads of Chi in your home. 

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