Homework Station For Organization

Homework Station For Organization

Photo credit: Sarah Now that school is well under way, you’ve probably started getting used to having the kids out of the house for the day. But how can you make sure that they have all the supplies and necessities they need for doing their homework when they come...
How Dust Can Affect Your Health

How Dust Can Affect Your Health

Photo by: Christopher Barson If you’ve ever heard the term “dust bunnies” before, you may have this idea that dust is a harmless little particle that hops onto your furniture as you sleep; leaving little blankets of fuzz on your television and dining room table. Along...
Getting Ready for Back-to-School Season

Getting Ready for Back-to-School Season

Photo by: Melissa Deakin The second the calendar page flips to August, every shop in town shows off its newest back-to-school merch that you are no where ready to look at. You take the kids to a Target and they all either moping at the thought of getting back into the...
If All-Purpose Cleaning products could be Disney characters.

If All-Purpose Cleaning products could be Disney characters.

Mr. Clean. Who better to represent the strong, pristine cleaning product better than the Genie from Aladdin. His Magic Eraser scrubs all of our messiest nightmares away and makes all of our clean dreams come true! Clorox. This Disney Princess probably used this...
Best Ways For A Dad To Spend Father’s Day

Best Ways For A Dad To Spend Father’s Day

Men are simple. On their special day, they may not be looking for ways to “spice it up,” but rather ways to slow it down.  Check out a few of our Father’s Day ideas to help  let dad unwind and relax. Beach Day For Tired Soul. Whether it’s with the whole...
Get Your Outdoor Living Space Ready For Summer

Get Your Outdoor Living Space Ready For Summer

Photo Credit: wickerparadise Does your outdoor living space need a summer spruce up? Mini Maid wants you to feel happy and comfortable in your homes including your outdoor space. We have a few tips for you to help make your outdoor space ready for summer BBQs and...

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