Get Your Lawn Spring Ready

Get Your Lawn Spring Ready

Jessica Harrelson said, “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.” And that includes your lawn. You may think that because of the mild Florida winters, you don’t need to do much to prep your lawn for spring, but that’s not true. Your yard needs a little TLC...
5 Feng Shui Tips for Your Home

5 Feng Shui Tips for Your Home

You’ve probably heard of feng shui, but perhaps you dismissed it as a bunch of nonsense or maybe something that your home doesn’t really need. But maybe it’s time to revisit feng shui. After all, the principles of feng shui have been around for thousands of...
How to Find the Best House Cleaning Service for You

How to Find the Best House Cleaning Service for You

How to Find the Best House Cleaning Service for You Life is busy. And, on more than one occasion, you’ve probably said to yourself, “There are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Something’s got to give.” So you begin to think about the things you...
6 Things in Your Home that Can Make you Sick

6 Things in Your Home that Can Make you Sick

Winter is here (yes, our Florida version of it!) and that means cold and flu season is now in full swing. And while you’re likely doing your part to stay healthy in public, you may find yourself dealing with an illness brought on by your own home. Headaches, breathing...
14 Uses for Olive Oil

14 Uses for Olive Oil

Olive oil is a healthy fat that many use in the kitchen. It makes a great dressing, turns a turkey golden brown and shines stainless steel. Yes, you read that last one correctly. Olive oil can be used to shine your stainless steel appliances. In fact, olive oil has...
Resolutions for Your Home

Resolutions for Your Home

When a new year begins, lots of people use it as a time to make resolutions for themselves. It may be a vow to lose weight or head to the gym more often. Maybe this is the year to travel more or pursue your passion in the form of a new career. Whatever the resolution...

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