Keep Hardwood Floors Looking Beautiful

Keep Hardwood Floors Looking Beautiful

April showers bring May flowers, along with humidity that often gets up to 90% in Florida! Many of our clients who have issues with moisture damage to their wood floors do not know that humidity fluctuation is often the #1 contributor. Luckily, there are simple...
Tips to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Tips to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

Spring allergy season is here, and with it comes pollen and other allergens that can get trapped in your home and cause sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes. You can help minimize the effects of home allergens by following these simple and effective tips from Gainesville...
Spring (Cleaning) is in the Air!

Spring (Cleaning) is in the Air!

Are you ready for some serious spring cleaning? Check off these tasks to leave your home looking fresh and spotless!                1. Dust from top to bottom. This should always be your first step so you don’t get dust on a...
Dirtiest Things In Your Home

Dirtiest Things In Your Home

What’s the dirtiest thing in your house? Hint: it’s not your toilet. Your toothbrush, keyboard and cell phone often harbor more germs than your toilet seat. Take a look at these tips on how to clean some surprisingly filthy objects around your house.   Toothbrush...
Daily Housekeeping Duties

Daily Housekeeping Duties

You just had your home cleaned by Mini Maid and now you want to maintain it until the next cleaning comes around. This may seem like a daunting task, but here are some housekeeping guidelines that will help keep you on the right track to a clean home all year long....
Laundry Lessons to Pass on to Your Kids

Laundry Lessons to Pass on to Your Kids

Do you have a child preparing to leave the nest? If they don’t know how to properly do laundry yet, now is a good time to teach them. Doing laundry is a simple task, so don’t let your son or daughter leave home without learning this essential life skill. The last...

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