Habits for Keeping Your Home Clean
You hear the doorbell and your heart sinks. Oh no, a neighbor, friend – any human being – has just stopped by to say hi. Ugh. You scan your home and see clutter, a sink full of dirty dishes, a ring in the toilet, the list goes on. Do you turn off the...
6 Ways to Keep Your House Clean When Selling
If moving isn’t stressful enough, your realtor keeps reminding you how important it is that your house is, as she puts it, “show-ready”. Ugh. Regular cleaning and upkeep of your home falls low on your list of “things I love to spend time doing” let alone “show-ready”...
Cleaning Myths Busted
Myths are everywhere and housekeeping has a few of its own. While some housekeeping myths result in wasted time, some can cause damage to your furniture or belongings. Read on to see which of these cleaning missteps you’ve done. Use furniture polish on your wood...
4 Tips for a Successful Spring Cleaning
Maybe it’s the flowers in bloom, the green leaves emerging on trees, or the chirps of baby birds, something about spring says renewal! And for as long as any of us can remember, this renewal makes us feel like cleaning – spring cleaning! The idea of getting rid...