Have You Cleaned These Spots Lately?
Marcelene Cox said, “Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door,” – and she was so right! It can feel like you just got your house cleaned, and then it’s time to clean it again. And this is only with the routine cleaning tasks that keep your home...
9 of the Dirtiest Things in Your Home
Take a look around your home. How does it look? Pretty good, right? Of course, it does! But, no matter how clean your home is, there are most likely some places and things in your house that are still germ magnets. They just can’t help themselves. And, while you may...
Getting Your Children to Help Around the House
No matter the age, it can sometimes be challenging to get children to help around the house. When children are young, they’d much rather be playing than helping to pick up toys. As they get older, things such as homework, sports, and other activities take up more of...
Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean with a Pet
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France If you have a pet, they are most likely a beloved part of your family. You love them with all of your heart and can’t imagine life without them. And while the love...