In: Raised Garden Beds  Out: In-Ground Gardens

In: Raised Garden Beds Out: In-Ground Gardens

Photo by: kyla_kae “Going organic” is no longer just a trend college-aged hipsters are into - it’s a lifestyle movement that has captured the stomachs of people all over the globe. Humans are recognizing the benefits of consuming organic food, and the negative health...

How to Make the Perfect Compost Pile

How to Make the Perfect Compost Pile

Creating a compost pile is a great idea for anyone who wants a healthy garden. A compost pile is a collection of decayed organic matter that can be used as a natural plant fertilizer. Not only is it a great way to save money on fertilizer, but it also contributes to...

Coffee: Keep Drinking It

Coffee: Keep Drinking It

Summer is coming to an end for kids and moms alike. No more sleeping in, no more beach days and no more kids running around during all hours of the day. Parent’s should be carrying around an IV bag full of caffeine when school is back in session. Between soccer...

Friday is Family Night

Friday is Family Night

Photo by: John After a long week of paperwork, phone calls and driving to soccer practice, it’s finally the weekend! With all of the week’s excitement, you still need to go grocery shopping, pay the bills and partake in everyone’s favorite pastime: chores. It’s the...

Mayonnaise: The Miracle Water Stain Remover

Mayonnaise: The Miracle Water Stain Remover

Photo by: Mike Mozart Not only is it great on a sandwich, but one of America’s favorite condiments can also be used to remove water and murky marks from your favorite wood furniture. REAL mayonnaise is traditionally made with vegetable oils, egg yolks and either...

The Many Uses of Nail Polish Remover

The Many Uses of Nail Polish Remover

Photo Credit: Robert Sheie The beauty of nail polish remover is that it can do more than just remove pretty polish from fingers and toes. Nail polish remover is considered an “organic solvent” that is primarily composed of acetone and alcohol, which are perfect for...

Homework Station For Organization

Homework Station For Organization

Photo credit: Sarah Now that school is well under way, you’ve probably started getting used to having the kids out of the house for the day. But how can you make sure that they have all the supplies and necessities they need for doing their homework when they come...

Mold: the Silent Assassin

Mold: the Silent Assassin

Photo By: Becca It’s 5 p.m. in Gainesville and instead of staying hydrated at your local watering hole, you’re getting soaked from the daily thunderstorm. All of this rain is great for your garden but can dampen your day by causing an excess growth of mold in and...

Surprise Birthday Blowouts

Surprise Birthday Blowouts

Photo Credit Recognizing the major birthday milestones of loved ones is always deserving of a special celebration. Planning a surprise party can make it even more exciting! This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth it! At the end of it all, it will mean the...

How Dust Can Affect Your Health

How Dust Can Affect Your Health

Photo by: Christopher Barson If you’ve ever heard the term “dust bunnies” before, you may have this idea that dust is a harmless little particle that hops onto your furniture as you sleep; leaving little blankets of fuzz on your television and dining room table. Along...



Bob & Carol Doak, Owners

1831 NW 13th Street Suite 8

Gainesville, Florida 32609

Phone: 352-374-4141

Fax: 352-376-0161

Email: hello@minimaidgainesville.com

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